Sunday, November 21, 2010

RaneeC: Maine Blue :)

I have completely dwelled into the color of the lake and sky in Maine, that particular blue that I've decided to name "Maine Blue". It is definitely the most calming and leisurely color. The color of rest, of ease, and of peace. The combination of the fall trees, the warm sun, the little cottage by the lake that have withstood time, and of course the Maine blue, made everything all so beautiful, all so peaceful, all so perfect!

So my life has been evolving around ice hockey quite a lot these days. For all sorts of violence issues, I had always refused to watch a full game. The first time I saw anything related was in high school. My best friend's brother used to play hockey and she spent a good hour once simply on YouTube checking out hockey games and people crushing into the sides, and breaking fingers and bones. Oh! I can't forget the blood shed video. Nope, never watched a full game.

Until past Wednesday, Katie my dearest had her first scrimmage with a surround school. We won 6-1, and I stayed and watched the whole game, It was interesting. Every strike the hockey stick hits the puck, my attention grew, as well as my interest. It wasn't that bad. It was chill and sporty, and I like it. The way players glide on ice, the sound of the crowd, the blades under their feet, and the strikes. All so graceful yet gently competitive.

So, we went to another game yesterday to cheer on our men's varsity team since we're in the area. "Just a little" different.. I enjoyed it nonetheless. I've taught myself to focus on the skills all athletes had on that battlefield of theirs, the speed they skate from one side to another, the competitiveness they try to achieve, and the fire in every one of them. It was quite enlightening, to know how ignorant and stubborn I used to be, and to see the change of acceptance towards ice hockey. Someone has changed me.

Left the house at 9am this morning with no make up and sweats tights, just because Katie knows how the weather is like, without checking. Had breakfast with an old friend of hers - Nicole, it was a great catch up since last time I've met her, same time last year. She cut her hair boy-short and she has the most incredible smile and adorable blush. She's happy!

And so am I! Smile :)

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