You read that right; RaneeC is officially incorporated. The executive team (Ranee, Kate, and Emma) has been hard at work this past month as we go through the process of getting everything in order to take RaneeC, LLC to the next level. I suppose you have at least one of two questions for us:
1) So what exactly have we been doing?
§ Eating: Almost every single one of our executive meetings seems to revolve around food. Whether that means sitting down to a 6am breakfast and watching the royal wedding while going over the official business plan, or over an afternoon brunch outside in the beautiful New England spring weather, or over a Chinese food dinner as we get the finances in order.
§ Moving: Naturally we couldn’t stay in our dorm rooms once the semester ended. All three members of the executive team have been managing to arrange meetings around all of the many activities that go into the end of a year, including final exams and moving. Fortunately we were all able to stay nearby each other for this first part of the break, which has really made the transition much easier than it otherwise would have been.
§ Working: End of the school year has essentially given us more time to focus on the company. With fewer other commitments, we have been focusing a lot of our energy on RaneeC. So in case you haven’t already picked up on it, we have been working hard. What’s great about the executive team is that we are all hard working, and dedicated to making RaneeC grow.
2) What’s up next for RaneeC and its followers, fans, and customers?
§ Great question! We are working on the Fall 2011 product lines right now, and believe me when I say, they are rockin’! There will be a pair to suit virtually every style. We have an official, self proclaimed fashionista (see and on our team now.
§ You can expect to continue to see great styles from RaneeC, as well as expanding growth as we move forward.
As always, we appreciate your continued loyal following. The best way to help us grow is to tell ALL of your friends about us (don’t worry, we won’t let them get the good styles over you; we’ll order enough to go around) Enjoy the warm weather!
The RaneeC, LLC Executive Team